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Nose Dripping in Senior Dogs: Causes, Care & Comfort

As your dog ages, health issues that haven't developed previously may appear. If you've noticed that your senior dog's nose is dripping, you're not alone. In today's article, our Denver vets share why this may be happening and offer solutions to help. 

Why Dogs Have Wet Noses

A senior dog may not have a health issue just because he has a runny nose. The glands in the nostrils of your dog's nose produce mucus that make the nose wet. The mucus also helps prevent dirt from entering the dog's airways. 

Additionally, a dog's nose stays wet as they lick it during the day. This moisture helps dogs effectively pick up scents since molecules dissolve more easily in water than in dry air. 

Watch your dog closely if they are experiencing a runny nose, since this may indicate an underlying health condition. Though a runny nose for a few hours, or even a day, is not a significant concern, you might need to visit your vet if constant nose dripping becomes an issue – particularly for your senior dog. 

Why is my dog's nose dripping or running?

If you see that your senior dog's nose is dripping or running, you may find it difficult to pinpoint the cause. Our veterinarians have compiled a list of common reasons that senior dog's noses drip. This information can help you and your vet discover the cause of your dog's symptoms and manage symptoms of nose dripping. 


Hypersensitivity to certain environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and even some medications or foods can trigger allergies and cause a dog's nose to run. This excessive reaction of the immune system leads to inflammation of the nasal passage, which can lead to an increase of watery nasal discharge. 

Though allergies are a common cause of nose dripping in senior dogs, they can also be the culprit for a dry nose. While allergies may seem simple, it may take you and your vet some time to identify the precise allergen causing your dog's runny nose. As a result, it can be challenging to provide proper treatment until the cause is discovered. Seek veterinary care if you suspect your dog has an allergy. 

If allergies are causing your dog's nose to feel dry, you can try a few at-home remedies like applying a small amount of coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, or petroleum jelly to your dog's nose several times a day. You might also consider using over-the-counter nose butters and balms made for dogs, since they can also effectively relieve dryness. Always discuss any at-home remedies with your vet first before administering them to your dog. 


If your dog has been sweating, you might find that their nose is dripping as well. This is usually not a serious issue. Unlike humans, dogs cannot regulate their body temperature through their skin, so they sweat through the pads on their noses and paws. If your dog's runny nose is caused by sweating, you've got nothing to worry about, as it should go away on its own within a few hours. 

Nasal Blockages 

Nasal blockages can significantly affect a dog's general health and well-being, and they should certainly not be discounted in older dogs. Left untreated, dogs may experience breathing problems, lethargy, and decreased appetite. A runny nose may also be a symptom of the blockage. 

A nasal blockage may occur when a foreign object is stuck in the nostrils or throat, tumors, infections, dental problems, or allergies. If you suspect that your dog's runny nose is due to a nasal blockage, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately. Your veterinarian can conduct tests to determine what is causing the blockage and ensure your dog receives the necessary treatment.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are a common cause of runny noses in pets, and it is often the first thing that comes to a pet owner's mind. It is easy to assume that a cold is responsible for your dog's runny nose, just like it is for humans. However, older dogs are more vulnerable to respiratory infections due to a weakened immune system.

The signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection in dogs may include sneezing, coughing, and nasal discharge. If left untreated, respiratory infections can lead to severe complications like pneumonia. Therefore, it is imperative to seek veterinary care if you notice a persistent runny nose in your dog.

Veterinary Treatment of a Runny Nose in Senior Dogs

If you take your senior dog to the vet because of a runny nose, the vet will conduct a thorough physical examination. After that, the vet will ask for diagnostic tests such as blood work, imaging, and nasal swabs to be conducted to identify the root cause of your dog's symptoms.

The management or treatment options your vet recommends will depend on the underlying cause of your dog's drippy or runny nose. If allergies are at play, they may recommend making changes to your dog's environment like minimizing exposure to allergens, or hygiene practices like bathing your pup frequently with a gentle, moisturizing dog shampoo and wiping their paws thoroughly when they come inside after a walk. 

Home Care for Senior Dogs With a Dripping Nose

Ensuring your senior dog stays hydrated and clean is crucial in caring for their runny nose. Additionally, as senior dogs are more prone to developing health issues, you should closely watch them between veterinary appointments. 

Unfortunately, you cannot do much at home to alleviate a runny nose, so it is best to act cautiously and take your dog to the vet if they have persistent nasal discharge. Our team is always ready to help you find the cause of your dog's illness and get them back on the road to recovery.

NoteThe advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Does your senior dog have a persistently runny nose? Contact our Denver vets today to book an exam. We can diagnose and treat your four-legged friend and stop their nose from dripping.

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